hate zine

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There are many incredible guides and resources online which cover protesting, direct action, community organising, mutual aid, and more! Your physical and emotional wellbeing during and after protests is paramount, please never feel pressured into taking any action you feel unprepared for. The more you know about your own rights and practical skills for navigating protests, the more you can make informed decisions about situations you may find yourself in.

It is also important to remember that not everybody is treated equally by the state and the police; Black, Brown and GRT communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, working class communities, people living with mental health conditions, and sex workers consistently face increased violence from these institutions. Please be mindful of this when attending protests and always watch out for your fellow protestors!

Some resources listed below are from US-based groups and may cover topics which do not directly apply to the UK. Please note the information listed here may be subject to change and is not intended as legal or medical advice, it is always imperative to seek up to date professional legal and medical advice.

Green and Black Cross www.greenandblackcross.org/

Green and Black Cross advice on arrest

Black Protest Legal Support https://blackprotestlaw.org/

Netpol www.netpol.org/

Netpol’s guide to filming the police

Netpol’s list of recommended Solicitors

Y-Stop’s resources on the police and stop and search powers

Advice Now police powers

Black Cross: An Activist’s Guide to Basic First Aid

Libcom’s Demonstration Guide

The Black Flag Catalyst Revolt Guide

Indigenous Anarchist Federation https://iaf-fai.org/

The Anarchist Library https://theanarchistlibrary.org/

Sprout Distro’s Direct Action Zines

Fordham Observer’s Protest Guide: Dress For Success (And Survival)

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, hate zine is not responsible for any material on third party sites. Please always seek up to date legal and medical advice should you need it.